
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Back into Routine

Well, we are three days into the third semester of college. It seems that this will be a semester of reading - Good for the wife, but hard on the hubby's eyes. It is nice to be getting back into a routine. I thrive on routine and consistency. Today I finished some laundry and there is a dish of homemade baked beans (a combination of my grandma's recipe and a cookbook recipe) in the oven - they smell really good! It is over 40* today so we are going to grill chicken tonight to enjoy with the baked beans.  I also finished a project that hubby gave me at the beginning of the month.  It is "due" on Friday so I still have some time to polish it up.

Chapter 11 in Created to Be His Helpmeet is about the nature of men and women.  We were created different with unique gifts and abilities.  The man is created to lead, to subdue, to conquer, to get things done, to enjoy the challenge of life.  The woman is created to assist him in that task, to be sensitive and vulnerable in order to nurture, while standing behind her husband's strong protection.  The book explains how women are more easily deceived and led astray because of their sensitive nature which may be why Satan tempted Eve first.  A woman is by nature ruled by her feelings and intuitions which are easily swayed and changed.  She needs the leadership of her husband.  She may seem to be more "spiritual," but it may not be based in the Word of God, but in feelings and her ideas.  It is easy to want to usurp authority, especially when I think that I know best.  But there is such peace and relief in knowing that if I stay under the protection that God gives, then I am not responsible for the decisions made and their results, but I am only responsible for my responses and reactions.

The chapter concludes with a challenge to avoid the character of Jezebel and to embrace the character of the Proverbs 31 Virtuous Woman.  Jezebel was a prophetess leading others astray with a facade of spirituality; she was a teacher outside of the home - controlling men or women around her; she pitied - getting what she or a member of her family wanted by any means; she was religious, but not focused on the one God; and she was a controller.  On the other hand, the Virtuous woman is a help meet; she is silent - learning and questioning at home; she is an encourager - creating change by following God's plan; she is prudent - working long hours in the home to care for the needs of her family; and she is submissive - putting herself under her husbands leadership.

So the thought is ... do I exhibit more Jezebel qualities or Virtuous woman qualities?  Do I like what I see?  How am I going to change for the better?

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