
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Reactions

It is good to get back into a little more "normalcy" this week following the holidays. Hubby is working at the farm, the decorations are down, and I am beginning to feel that our home is a little more in order. I have been working on some projects for hubby, so the typical baking and cleaning have not completely filled my days. The cold dry air makes it easy to get LOTS of wash dried outside and with the heat running so much in the trailer, I am glad to save the dryer bill. I picked up the violin again on Monday and was pleasantly surprised that I had not taken too many steps backward. In the next 1 1/2 weeks, I hope to be back up to speed - I am already nervous about a recital in April - it has been a long time since I have been in a recital (over 15 years).

I am ready to be back to the challenge of Created to Be His Helpmeet. This chapter was on my reactions to my situations. Reactions are the true expression of my thinking. So the pattern is simple. If I accept God's thinking, my reactions will be proper. If I give into fleshly, worldly thinking, my reactions will be corrupt. It is easy to look at what my expectations for married life were 7 1/2 years ago and to see that those expectations (at least as far as circumstances) have not been fulfilled. At the time, I imagined a house full of children (I originally prayed for 20 boys), hubby working as a nuclear mechanic or a diesel mechanic, a small home in the suburbs with the perfect garden. Yes, I love to dream - and while I don't condemn the dreaming (I still do it) - I must accept and enjoy God's plan for me right now.

The book challenged that changes in our "plans" can make us bitter. We can excuse our behavior by saying that we didn't agree to this when we got married, that this was not what we expected, that we are mistreated, but God expects us to continue to be a help, a servant regardless of the situation. Unfortunately, as women, we are quick to "console" our friends, to agree with their "struggles" instead of reminding them of truth and of God's plan for them. The improper response is "Poor Me! Why is he doing this to us? What can I do to manipulate and get my way? How can I make him miserable so that he changes course?" The proper reaction from a heart filled with God's thoughts is not "poor me," but "How can I help my husband today?"   Forget the "what could have been" and focus on the future blessings that await you.

I am convicted.
     Many times, my first response is not one of submissive helping, but of a critical spirit.
          Much to work on this week.

Let this mind be in you,
which was also in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 2:5

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