
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Taboo Topics?

As you may realize, the next item on the list of wifely qualities is "obedient to their own husbands."  This topic is often avoided or mangled in classrooms and pulpits in an effort to pacify the women in attendance.  I do not believe that obeying and submitting to my husband makes me "less" of a person or that it belittles me.  I love my God-given role as helper and feel that it is an exalted role.  After all, the family of the virtuous woman rose up and blessed here.  I am still working my way through this very long chapter, but please know that I am not avoiding it.  I just want to give it the thought and study that it deserves and this week has had some added chores as I look forward to my weekend guest.  You will excuse me, won't you? 

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