My second prayer and desire for this year is to have right thoughts in every situation and that those thoughts will manifest themselves as right words and right actions. This goal was intensified by the receipt of a new book for Christmas. I am reading What Do I Know About My God? by Mardi Collier. The emphasis of the book is to read the Bible with purpose. As I finish each reading, I should be able to answer with "My God is ..." The other emphasis in the book is to face every challenge and setback in life with the question, "What do I know about God?" When I am disappointed in my situation, I need to remember that I know that my God is in control. When I am tempted to discouragement by my looks, abilities, or talents, I need to remember that I know that my God is the Creator.
This morning I was working on this verse for memorization. It also goes along with "My God is in control."
Ecclesiastes 7:13
Consider the work of God:
for who can make that straight,
which he hath made crooked.
Though things may not look "right" to me,
God has designed the path that I am to walk,
and who am I to seek another path.
i really enjoyed that book. thanks for taking the time to write.