It is inevitable that while doing an excessive amount of public speaking a person will occasionally put his foot in his mouth. I expect that it will happen now and again while hubby is preaching. He had one such incident on Sunday night when his phrasing of words made it sound like he had a difficult home life :) He corrected himself, but we took some ribbing for it after the service. Later he commented to a member that "You know we love each other, right?" The answer was surprising, yet sadly not surprising in light of the many Christian marriages we have seen crumbling around us. "It
appears that you have a good relationship,
or you could be great actors." There are a lot of people working on their theatrical abilities - especially in church. Their good works and their righteous acts are bestowed on everyone but those in their homes.
I Timothy 5:4
...let them learn first to shew piety at home...
I have to learn to show piety at home? Back to "school" I go! It must not be a foreign concept if Paul wrote about it so many years ago. Our society has been taught to put on a good front. We show others what we want them to see. It is not so difficult to do via phone, email, facebook, or even the blogosphere. You can see the victories while I mask the stumbles. I can paint the picture as I want to.
Are you the same in the home as out of the home?
Are you one person in the car on the way to church and another when you step out of the car?
The true person is the one you are at home.
Are you happy with who you are?
More importantly, is God happy with who you are?
very thought provoking! thanks, sandra!