
Saturday, August 17, 2024


Another anniversary to celebrate.
A few years ago, I read a book that talked about how your home decorations should be more than pretty.
They should inspire discussion.
They should say something about you.
And I thought of how I might do that in our home.

This year hubby got me a decoration that fit the bill.
It tells our anniversary.
It uses Scripture.
It shows the places we have lived - independently and as a couple.
You can't see, but there are three colors - Hubby (silver), Me (rose gold), and Couple (gold)

When I look at the scattered pins,
it reminds me of all the miracles that had to occur to bring us together
and all the miracles and provisions that have occured as we added more pins together.

Happy Anniversary to my dear hubby!
And may our prayer always be ...
"...cause me to know the way wherein I should walk."


Thursday, August 8, 2024

Manna Doesn't Come in Bulk

 I have been listening to an audiobook and was fascinated by this idea.

Manna doesn't come in bulk!

I like to know what is coming.
I like to be in charge.
I like to know that the future is secure.
I want to know that things will be done decently and in order.
I like to MAKE things happen.

But, God doesn't always work that way.
His mercies are new every morning.
He provides "daily bread."
I should be content with that.

So on this "Thankful Thursday,"
I am thankful for the blessings of today.
I woke beside a man who works hard each day.
I ate a good breakfast that strengthens me.
I woke in the protection of a cool house.
My legs carried me on my morning walk.

I may not see the month's worth of blessings,
because manna doesn't come in bulk!

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Room for More

The HOA gave me a good excuse for more plants!
Recently, the HOA decided to crack down on exposed trash cans.
The bilaws say that trash cans must be inside, out back, or hidden from the road.
We often keep our trash can in the garage,
sometimes the heat of the summer can make the trash a little intolerable.

So hubby built me a planter / screen.
The center plant is supposed to be evergreen (or yellow) - so hopefully will still look beautiful all winter.
The side plants are red day lilies.

Since hubby built it,
I could stain it to match the garage header.

And hubby made it strong enough (and heavy enough) 
to survive any B.G. storm.

I am enjoying an overcast day with not such a crazy heat index.
It was the perfect morning for yardwork.