
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Spring is Here

So we set our clocks ahead last weekend - 
a sign that spring is just around the corner.

I am thankful for more daylight in the evening when hubby is home.
I am thankful for the sunny, warm days we have been enjoying.
I am thankful for Spring Cleaning and that "AAAHH" feeling I get 
when I know that the window treatments are clean and
that the dust bunnies displaced from behind the furniture.
I am thankful for these little seedlings - the peas - 
just making their appearance this week.

I hope to get the lettuce, beets, onions, carrots, and spinach in this week!

1 comment:

  1. We have a fresh inch of snow on the ground this morning. On the plus side, I go tomorrow to pick up straw for mulch in the garden, and then can start laying out the garden the way I want it. Cauliflower is springing up in my little greenhouse. And the tomatoes will not be far behind them! I guess spring means different things up north than it does down south, but I'll choose to enjoy mine up close, and yours from a distance. :)
