
Monday, October 28, 2013

Thank You

Thanks to all who participated and have yet to participate in the Friday Forum.
There were over 60 hits to that blog entry in the past 3 days.
Living in a small town,
and involved in a small church,
your participation and encourage and contact was a great blessing to me.

I actually learned something different from the blog than I intended.
As I read your contributions,
I realized that there were certain occasions that draw a ministry meal, 
and this is as it should be.
But I was convicted not to wait for the sickness, the death, the birth - 
I am sure that there are some folks that need a ministering to this very week ...

And today's work ...
garden cleanup ...
I took a chance at a fall garden and lost ...
we had a good frost a number of nights last week ...
despite my attempts to cover my beans ...
they were lost.

Don't fret though, February is right around the corner :)

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