
Friday, March 7, 2014

Friday Forum: Less or More

I told you earlier this week that I was challenged to do some extra cleaning projects this week.
I did find more than 35 things to discard.
I completed 4 of the 5 tasks.
I did not clean the freezers - mostly because both are PACKED right now.

Some of the jobs were easy.
I was not looking forward to cleaning under all of the furniture...
but ...
I was surprised -  
between paring down  for the move
and being more deliberate in keeping the clutter out,
that job was not so hard.
I did find about 2 1/2 bunnies under my bed
and another 3 behind the fridge,
but they were easily swept up.

I have not always wanted to live simply,
but I am becoming more of a believer that 
"Less is More."
We are trying to find more efficient ways to exercise,
more deliberate ways to be healthy,
and after the easy clean this week - still desiring to keep the "stuff" to a minimum.

Are you in the "less is more" camp?
Maybe you have many treasures and 
don't mind the work that comes with them?


  1. I agree that "Less is More" when it comes to making our home more productive and pleasant to enter. We work better and jobs are done more quickly when clutter is removed. This last week I conquered my file drawers and closet. What a joy.
    I disagree that more is always less when it comes to budgeting. In this regard I am willing to deal with work that comes from treasures. God's people have often shown love to our family in the form of stuff. (Clothes, books, tools, bicycles) Some of these items have to be stored until the child or adult can use them. If I discard to have less clutter (which is how it feels) I then increase the expenses that will go out of my home when the time comes that we could use those items, or need those items. Being a good steward sometimes seems to require that I store treasures that I do not need right now.
    Would like to see how others balance this principle.

    1. I have met many people who are not of the "less is more" mindset and who are efficient and are a blessing to others. In no way would I belittle those dear folks. I have many "treasures" that I hold for another day - resources that may be used to be a blessing another day. Many are tucked away so as not to clutter now ... but available one day. I definitely do not like to repurchase things.
