I am currently reading an 1896 classic
"The Secret of Happy Home."
Last night,
I was reading about this Latin phrase (cui bono) in relation to the tongue - and the home.
Cui Bono literally means "Who does it benefit?"
Cui Bono literally means "Who does it benefit?"
The point of the chapter was to think about your words before speaking them.
What is the purpose of the words?
Do they edify or build up?
Do they only serve to tear down?
What is the value of the words?
Am I speaking only to make myself look better?
Am I speaking only to make myself look better?
The example was given of a husband relating an event.
He described the event, but mispoke or ill-remembered the timing (one week? or three weeks?)
If the timing has no real significance in the account,
why correct him?
The example can be used in any situation.
Do I give grace?
Is there thoughtfulness to my speech?
We found the author's encouragement to Order, Kindness, and Forbearance after reading this blog post. The attention to this matter has become the theme of our family Bible reading as we read passages focused on the home. Thanks for sharing an area of challenge so that we could be challenged as well.