
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Strength in Stillness

Recently, I did a workout entitled "Strength in Stillness."
It would have been nice had it been an "infomercial-type" workout that promised that you could build muscle and boost metabolism while sleeping, while sitting on the couch, while doing absolutely nothing.
But we all know that that is not how muscles are built.

But this workout was both a mind and a physical body challenge.
The "stillness" was in holding rather than moving.
Hold at the bottom of a plank.
Hold a squat.
Hold a lunge.
And in the process, stay focused.
Don't let your mind wander!

And despite the fact that it was not high intensity,
it did not promise lots of steps on my Fitbit,
the workout was HARD and I felt the work the next day.
I would not have chosen the workout on my own,
but it was part of a plan that I had committed to.
It was designed to "balance" my training.

My muscles were worked
and my mind was as well.
I wanted to move.
I wanted to "see" motion.
I wanted to get on to the next thing.

And I was reminded of how many times God works to give us "Strength in Stillness."
As I write, I look at a sign on the wall that says "Be Still."
It is so hard to wait.
It is hard to use gifts and abilities in different ways.
It is hard to be content in the present without jumping to the next plan or ministry.

Each time we change location,
there is a stillness that seems strange.
There are fewer demands on time.
There are fewer responsibilities.
(The reset button has been hit and the reboot takes awhile.)

As I did the workout,
I thought of the ways God is working in the stillness.
He is still here.
He is still teaching.
He can still use me.
He is still growing me.

It may not be the style of workout that I gravitate toward,
but it is still useful,
it still produces results.

Be still and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10

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