
Thursday, June 30, 2022

A Breakfast of Champions

Here is a start to the pictures:
a view of the eat-in kitchen.
I think that I am most excited at the big pantry all the way to the right.
The decoration was a gift from our realtor - a barrel top with our name and initial on it.
The wall that you do not see is actually a large sliding door out to the patio.

I am contemplating where everything will go and where things will land.
I do know that I will need a step stool at the ready because the cabinets are very tall
and I wouldn't want to waste any space.
I also am going to use a gas stove for the first time since I was babysitting as a teenager.
Hubby says I will just love it ... and the internet agrees.
The dishwasher is actually going to be a glorified dish drainer.
The sink is one large, undivided basin and I don't really want a dish drainer on the counter,
so why not use the dishwasher - it even has unique spots to dry everything.

As to the breakfast of champions ...
How about some chia pudding?
I have discovered that I do a great job making meals for others in my home,
but I hate to cook for myself,
so meals already made are a blessing.
This makes a great breakfast or even an evening treat.

Periodically, I make up about 4 breakfasts and throw them in the fridge for hubby and me.
It's an easily adaptable recipe.
And as I type this,
I realize that I forgot the maple syrup in this morning's batch - 
better add that before tomorrow morning.

Chia Pudding

3 TBS chia seeds
5 oz milk
1 TBS maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla

for variety:
add 1 TBSP cocoa powder and then a TBSP of peanut butter at breakfast
add 1 TBSP lemon juice and then a half cup of blueberries or strawberries at breakfast
use half milk and half orange juice for the liquid to create a creamsicle pudding

Mix all ingredients in bowl.
Leave sit 5 minutes (or until you remember that you are making pudding)
Stir again and leave sit 5 minutes.
Stir again and put in fridge.
Stir again before eating.

Chia seeds are a complete plant-based protein
and while they are expensive
a little goes a long way and actually is cheaper (and more filling)
than a serving of Cheerios.

 The fabric for my curtains arrived today,
so I will be busy working on them tomorrow and through next week.


  1. our aldi has chia seeds for a fairly decent price. And one bag lasts awhile.

    1. Haven't been to Aldi in a bit because of the heat, but I will definitely compare Aldi and Walmart
