
Friday, May 3, 2024

Food Plan Friday: G-BOMBS

 Friday night:
Chicken Tenders and Waffle Fries
(Perdue gluten free and Ore Ida Waffle Fries)

Smoothies and Muffins
Avocado Toast
Turkey Sandwich

Smoothies and Muffins
Breakfast for Dinner

Smoothies and Muffins
Leftover Chicken Salad
Grilled Chicken on Green Salad

PB and J with Apple
Vegan Power Bowl

Grilled Chicken and Side Salad
Breakfast for Dinner

Smoothies and Muffins
Perfect Burger
Green Salad with Chickpeas

Smoothies and Muffins
Sardines and Green Drink

It is a pretty simple week,
I tried to do some "shopping" from the pantry, fridge, and freezer.
Of course there was some fresh greens needed,
but other than that, trying to clean out some older stuff.

And the food challenge?
I was recently reading a nutritionist who recommended
every day.

What are G-BOMBS?
Well, it is a helpful tip to eat some of the many cancer fighters available in the plant world.

4 in the list are easy for me,
but the other 2 are harder.

My morning smoothie has beans, berries and seeds.
My lunch is often a salad or includes a green drink.
I don't really like onions and mushrooms -
but, I see their value and am adding onions to my salads more often.
I don't mind a sauteed onions, so I include that a lot.
But, mushrooms?
I occasionally throw these on my salad,
but, I also make a commitment to add chopped mushrooms anytime I brown ground meat.
In this way, I can kind of hide their slimy texture :)

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Enjoying a Saturday

I just love this quote and the sentiment behind it.
There are many times that I am tempted to feel bad because I am not so"busy."
There are times when we hear busyness equated with great ministry and service for God.

But there is also a blessing in stillness, in quiet, in a slow pace.
There is something to be said for a quiet day with a loved one.

I shared a pleasant day with hubby today.
Some Saturdays start with early morning men's prayer meetings.
Some Saturdays have a planned wedding or party.
Some Saturdays have a to-do list as long as your arm.
Today was all "FREE."

We started the day with a run and walk at a local park.
Hubby had had a lot of travel and had not completed all his workouts,
so he ran with me today.
My interval today was a 5-minute run, 3-minute walk, 5-minute run, 3-minute walk, 5-minute run.
We finished and he enjoyed the "fitness court" while I walked some more.

Then we came home to wash the car.
Yes, even that is enjoyable with some company.
I also spent some time adding some organic matter (old plants) and potting soil to my early birthday gift.
Do you see the two new pots that will soon contain some "Sunpatiens?"

Next was lunch at Blaze - pizza and a salad.
We had the whole patio to ourselves (possibly because of the strong wind.)
Then onto Belk - a local department store that had 70% off of some great clearance items.
Then we stopped at 2 of the "ritzy" nurseries to look at plants and lawn ornaments.

We cleaned up when we got home,
and then we enjoyed a leisurely Bible time.

It is allergy season, so we are in for the rest of the night,
but I have enjoyed a quiet day and feel refreshed by the break.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Food Plan Friday

 I have been meaning to get back to sharing a meal plan.
Though you may not like some or most of the plan,
 it may jog a memory of something that you haven't eaten in a while.
It might also encourage you to try something new or to incorporate a new ingredient.
I make my meal plan for Friday night through the next Friday noon because I shop on Friday morning.
Wednesday and Sunday nights are always breakfast because it is quick and easy as well as mild for sitting through church or when heading to bed within the hour.
Friday night is always Homemade Fast Food night (more of that later).

This week's plan:

Friday night: 
General Tsos Chicken (from Aldi) and Rice

Smoothies and muffins
Blaze Pizza (still using a Christmas gift card)

Smoothies and muffins
Leftover Brussel Sprout Salad 
Eggs, toast, and turkey sausage 

Smoothies and muffins
Veggie burgers with sauteed mushrooms and onions 
Salmon Bites, Brussel Sprouts, Rice 

Smoothies and muffins
Quinoa Pasta Salad (maybe some chicken on the side)

Smoothies and muffins
Leftover Quinoa Pasta Salad
Breakfast for dinner

Smoothies and muffins

Leftover (or sardines, crackers, and side salad)

One of our favorite routines is "fast food night."
In Oregon, it was often gluten-free breaded fish and fries (Long John Silvers).
We also do Chick-fil-A night with chicken tenders and waffle fries or chicken tender salad.
Sometimes we do an enchilda or burrito (Chipotle or Taco Bell).
Sometimes it is pizza night.
Last week, we had a delicious Big Mac Salad. (McDonalds).
Sometimes we have milkshake and fries (Wendy's frosty and fries)
And tonight was  General Tsos (PF Changs or Pei Wei).

Are there any great fast foods that we are missing?

By making the meal at home, we save a little money,
we can control some of the ingredients,
and portion control is much easier.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

In Its Place

 AH!  The shelf is done.
Hubby was gone all day Thursday and Friday,
so I put my finishing skills to use.

This time, I tried a paint wash.
I used equal parts elephant gray chalk paint and water.
I brushed it on, let it soak a minute, then wiped it off.
Almost goof-proof, because you just wipe off any mistakes!
The other benefit is that you can still see the wood grain.

After "staining," I wiped it down with a dark paste wax.

Today, hubby added some metal hardware and put it in place.

It is not "styled" yet - but I will be experimenting for a bit to come up with something useable and decorative.
I also look forward to having a space for my nativity come Christmas!

Now it is off to finish prepping for the bus ministry class tomorrow.
The usual teacher is away, so I have a little more to plan.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Habit Stacking

 I have read or listened to quite a few books on Habits.
A disciplined life that accomplishes what needs to be done relies on habits.
Many of these books include the idea of habit stacking.
Link habits together to make new habits.

One habit that I work on is water drinking.
Common thought says that you drink half of your weight in ounces of water.
That's a lot of water for some of us!

I found that I could get through the morning with hardly a sip and then had to drink a lot before bed - 
not a great idea!
So, I needed a way to get started first thing in the morning.

In comes habit stacking.

My personal Bible study is typically between 6-7 in the morning.
That is a habit that is regular and reliable.
Perfect - lets get 24 oz down before breakfast.
So I habit stack.
Typically I read at least 4 chapters in the Bible.
After every chapter, I take 10-12 sips.
By the time I close in prayer, my first cup (24 oz)  is done.
If all else fails, I have started well.

Water is crucial in your diet - 
yes, other fluids can hydrate, but none are as great as water.
It keeps the digestive tract moving,
it cleans the kidneys,
it keeps the brain clear,
it keeps your joints moving clearly,
it helps control blood pressure,
it helps carry nutrition and oxygen in the body,
it helps in body temperature regulation.



It's always nice to have the option of an Air BNB for guests right in your culdesac.
Of course, it is subject to availability!
Just watch out for those fees :)

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Designed for A Particular Spot

 Last Saturday, hubby built me a shelf for the Living Room.
It will house some general everyday supplies,
some throw blankets,
a plant (or 2 or 3 or ...),
and our printer which has been homeless since we moved in!

Currently, it sits in the garage waiting for a certain woman to paint or stain or stain and paint.
I think I want to experiment a little on some extra wood for a new type of finish, but we will see.
I look forward to seeing it in its new home and having the fun of decorating it.
I enjoy making my home unique and making our home meet our needs.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024


No, not money!
No, not Shamrocks!
(Though we did celebrate St. Patrick's Day with a Shamrock Shake and some Corned Beef and Cabbage)

Green as in plant life.
I can tell that I am eager for Spring when it seems to come SOOOOO slowly!
Today is the first day of Spring, but it hardly feels that way outside.
But from the inside, things are greening up and the sun makes it looks like it should be warm.
I am enjoying the view from the front room. 

I planted some purple hyacinths and yellow tulips around the cherry tree.
I will look forward to their return each year.
The creeping phlox is blooming and spreading in the front rock garden
and a few winter pansies that don't really match are enjoying the last of the cool weather.

I look forward to filling in the tree ring with SunPatiens this year.
We watched 2 or 3 homes around the neighbor that planted these beauties last year 
and they bloomed from May to October.
This spot is particularly hard because of the full sun it gets in the afternoon,
but these beauties may be up to the challenge.

After 2 weeks ...
grass is greening and slowly filling in.
And I even mowed last week!

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Teaching Giving and Friendliness

 It is hard in the days of wickedness that we live in.
It must be fearful to be a parent in this day and age.
Who can be trusted?
How can you teach friendliness to your children while also teaching about strangers?

My tablet and its happy face is an example of a momma who was/is doing a good job.
I was visiting a local Walmart one early Saturday morning.
As I sat on a bench waiting for hubby to finish some business,
I saw a little boy giving a sticker to someone he met while leaving the store.
It made me smile.
Then I smiled even more as he said to his momma, "I want to give that lady a sticker."  (ME!)
His momma looked a little concerned not wanting to bother me,
but I said "hi" and asked him what he had.
Maybe he received a sheet of stickers from the greeter, or maybe he had picked stickers out in the store.
I asked if he wanted to put it on my shirt.  He didn't.
On my jacket.  He didn't.
He wanted to put it on the back of my hand - my wrist actually.

It was such a simple act, but made my day.
When I got back to the car, I put my sticker on my tablet -
a reminder to be kind and giving to others.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

But It's A Healthy Fat ...

I am a child of the 80's and definitely remember the "no fat" and "low fat" labels of that decade.
The increase in heart problems in America led to a reaction to remove all fat from our diets in order to be "healthy."
Unfortunately, the experts were wrong.

It is good to avoid or limit saturated fats in the form of beef and bacon,
It is good to avoid transfats in packaged treats.
It is good not to overdo it with butter and cheese.
Moderation is always authorized.

But - there are actually HEALTHY fats.
Olives, nuts, seeds, olive oil, avocado, fish ... all full of healthy fats.
These powerhouses are also high in calories and can easily be overeaten if not careful,
but their healthy fats have so many benefits.

Creaky joints? - lubricate them by drinking water and eating healthy fats
Mind a little foggy? - clear it with some healthy fats and boost your mood while you are at it
Cholesterol levels unbalanced? - need to regulate LDL, HDL and triglycerides? - yep, healthy fats will lower LDL and triglycerides and raise HDL
Prediabetic? - manage blood sugar with those healthy fats
Tummy trouble?  70 percent of the immune system is in the gut and healthy fats (especially plant based fats) feed the good bacteria in the stomach and help the stomach do what it is supposed to - break down foods, absorb nutrients, and fight infection
Struggling with overeating? - healthy fats keep you satisfied for longer
Not sleeping well? - healthy fats may improve sleep
Fighting inflammation (allergies, arthritis, frequent sickness, aches and pains)? - healthy fats can help
Struggling with a slowing metabolism?  - again, try a healthy fat to fuel it properly

The low-fat craze might have been a good idea,
EXCEPT that we still wanted our food to taste good.
So, out came the fat, and in went the fillers and sugar!

I prefer to go for some valuable healthy fats.
In fact, today I made some avocado pudding/mousse.
It is DELICIOUS and full of healthy fats and fiber.
It also can be made with more natural sugars (I chose maple syrup)

The pudding is just mashed avocado, cocoa powder, and maple syrup.
If you wanted a little more protein, you could serve it with a dollop of peanut butter.
Or if you need some extra antioxidants,
sprinkle some berries on top.

Two possible recipes:

The recipes call for blenders or food processors,
but if your avocados are ripe, a fork should do the trick.
I recently added a little food processor to my arsenal and it works GREAT for this little treat!

Monday, March 4, 2024

A Public Service Announcement

 Usually, I research EVERYTHING.
It is easy enough to GOOGLE anything and everything,
but sometimes, I just figure that I will trust the experts.

Sometimes, you need to do your own research.

Because we have known so many people who needed blood transfusions,
hubby and I like to donate blood regularly.
Last year, we finally got into a rhythm and were donating almost as often as the Red Cross would let us - about every 8 weeks!
In 7 months, we gave 4 times.

I recently went to the doctor and discovered that I had some very odd blood work.
I had not recuperated from my last giving.
Though not anemic, I was super close
And my oxygen carriers were small and pale.
With a few clicks on the computer,
I found that it is actually recommended that men wait 12 weeks between donations,
and that women wait 16 weeks between donations.

So there is your public service announcement.
Unless you are one of the 1 in 300 who make extra iron,
you may want to ignore some of the Red Cross calls to schedule your donation and give yourself a little extra time to recover.
I know I sure will!

And yes, I am following my own blog advice on building Iron.
Plenty of green leafy veggies, lots of beans, "brown cows," and lots of fish and chicken!
And for awhile, I will make sure that my daily multivitamin has iron.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Do People Still Do That?

 I recently began a new homemaker project - 
and one that I never thought I would do.

I have recently taken to darning socks.

Hubby's work boots appear to "eat" socks, especially at his big toe.

For a while, the bad ones just became cleaning rags.
They were perfect for staining wood or applying polyurethane.
But, then it seemed like I was making sock purchases too often.
Hubby suggested darning the socks.

How hard could it be?

Turns out,
it is not hard.
With a doll head to keep the hole spread and some thicker thread,
the holes were soon fixed.

While it won't be my favorite pastime,
and no one will show my work as a model,
it is prolonging the life of a few socks.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Are You Ready?

 We don't get an abundance of visitors.
We live outside of the "easy" drive for church friends.
Family gatherings are few and far between.
But I want to feel like my guest room and guest bathroom are ready if someone were to drop in.

This post will not apply to many readers because either
1) you have guests often
2) all of your bathrooms and bedrooms are used regularly

But there may be a few folks who can benefit from this tip.

Keeping the guestroom ready just involves freshening the bedding once a quarter if it has not been used.
For the guest bath, I "rotate" the towels.
My home has a neutral grey tone throughout.
I have chosen to accent with sage and denim blue in all rooms.
So I have 3 sets of towels:
blue, sage, and a deeper sage.

Each Monday when I clean,
I take the towels from the master bath and throw them in the wash.
Then I take the towels from the guest bath (if I have had no company) and put them in the master bath.
Then I take the third set of clean towels and put them in the guest bath.
So weekly, I have freshened the towels for guests.

When I first began homemaking, I would not have been able to do this - 
I had themed bathrooms.
They were so fun and I enjoyed them immensely.
Who doesn't like little fish or rubber duckies?
But I do like the simplicity of being able to use any towel in any bathroom
and even being able to hang them in any bedroom because the colors all coordinate.

Today was one of those longer project days.
Hubby was not going to be home for lunch,
so I could make a mess.
One of my jobs was to clean the "rust" off the lights in the bathroom.
We couldn't believe that there were rust stains already, but ...
...I found this little product and it worked great.

Another job was to get rid of Valentine's and Winter's decor in favor of the Spring decorations.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

What Does Your Floor Say About Your Diet?

 As I clean on Monday and throughout the week,
I can't help but marvel at how quickly the kitchen floor gets dirty.
It seems that it is always in need of a good sweep.

On Monday, while on my hands and knees,
I looked closely.
My floor says a lot about what we have been eating.

This little snapshot shows a piece of kale, a red onion paper, and a pepper seed.
Often there might also be rice, quinoa, or a stray pistachio or cashew.

The job seems endless,
but as I tidy the floor AGAIN,
I am thankful for the good food that God provides and the energy and strength it gives.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Spring, Spring, Spring


On this particularly grey day,
the cherry blossoms are extra bright and cheery - they almost seemed to glow this morning (at least in real life).
They are the first show of Spring on our property.
It is still a "baby" tree, but this little snatch of Spring is encouraging.

We actually killed a lethargic wasp yesterday probably a queen coming out of hibernation,
I put out 2 hummingbird feeders and a hummingbird swing yesterday,
the robins have been hopping across the lawn,
and I am trying to decide when to break out the mower.
The weather yesterday was just about perfect and we enjoyed a return to a "pleasant" run for our exercise.
Of course, we still have a few more cold snaps,
but we can be thankful for the life that is showing.

Monday, February 19, 2024

We Didn't Forget to Celebrate

 As all faithful readers know,
Saturday was "Donut Day" here.
22 years ago, hubby and I shared our first date at an Italian bakery in Latham, NY.

Since then, we have celebrated each anniversary in February with a donut or two.

Sometimes, I wish that first date had been a bit healthier ... but we have made adjustments as necessary.

Donuts from the freezer section

homemade donuts

Benny's Donuts - Corvallis, OR

Groovy Gus Mini Donuts - Bowling Green, KY

Hubby was actually working out of town on Friday and Saturday.
It seems that the National Farm Machinery Show in Louisvills has slated "Donut Day" each year as one of their show dates (I guess they are not faithful readers).

I did join him at the show on Saturday afternoon with a lunch salad in hand.
He wrapped up his responsibilities around 6 pm and we headed for home.
We arrived home around 8 pm ready to clean up and relax.

Not to miss the celebration,
I prepared the "Donuts."

Due to the lateness of the evening
and some health needs,
the donuts got REALLY healthy this year.

This year, they were apple ring donuts drizzled with almond butter.
Hubby's had a drizzle of chocolate syrup too.
A couple of the "donuts" even had some unsweetened coconut flake sprinkles!

There is always a way to remember the special events.
Life may get busy.
Diets may change.
Don't forget to celebrate the ones you love!

Because I Needed Some "Sunshine"

 As I said last week,
I love Valentine's Day,
but I do recognize that prices are inflated for such a flower and candy-centered holiday.
Hubby often just gets me a helium balloon.
I am as cheered by a balloon as Eeyore (which is surprisingly cheery).
And sometimes a live plant joins the offering.
And thus we avoid some of the gouging.

While I shopped on Friday,
the highly inflated prices were highly deflated.
Since hubby was out of town for 2 days,
I bought myself some $4 sunshine.
(Don't worry, he approved)

And for a few days,
the decor in my bathroom is elevated with some yellow roses!

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Every Good Gift ...

 Jeremiah 10:6
Forasmuch as there is none like unto thee, O Lord; 
thou art great, and thy name is great in might.

It is a week of rejoicing here.
As of Monday, we officially own our home.
Whether we lived in apartments our whole life,
whether we moved from trailer to trailer,
whether we own a home or not,
God is always good and always great.
Yet, this week, we are in awe at His blessing to us.
We know all things are possible,
and yet so often we still limit God.
As we would roam around our neighborhood in Oregon,
we would dream of a home like this.
It seemed like just that - a dream.
But God gave, and gave, and gave.

And what else ...
At the church Christmas program, the church organ broke.
It began playing one note all on its own and would not stop until it was turned off.
It was not particularly useful anymore.
We had been searching for months anyway knowing this organ was not really suitable for the space we had and was probably on its way out.
Last week, God blessed the church with a "new-to-us" organ.
The church that sold it sold it for less than 1/2 of what it was truly worth.
Not only that - the church that sold it was not more than 30 minutes away!

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

In Defense of a Day

 It's been another while,
Another season, I guess when life demanded more from me and did not allow for writing.
But, it seems for a time, that things are quiet and I am feeling a little more on top of things.
Of course, I am looking ahead to spring.
Each day, I look out looking for signs of growth,
looking for the greening of the grass.
There is a sign of life on all of the trees - cherry, serviceberry, and apples!
Last week, I even made a preemptive strike on any crabgrass that is thinking of joining my lawn.

But, back to the theme at hand.
Today is Valentine's Day.
I have always enjoyed it.
As I child, I enjoyed the school parties and treats.
As a teacher, I definitely enjoyed planning a Valentine's Day party for my students.
And ever since 2002, I have enjoyed a Valentine of my own.
I met hubby on February 10, 2002.
We talked for longer than a hello on Valentine's Eve (he quite disturbed the prelude at church).
And of course, any long-time reader knows that "Donut Day" is just around the corner (the anniversary of our first date - 2/17.)

I often hear that today is a pagan holiday.
I hear that it is a ripoff.
I hear it is a gimmick.
I hear much about the hype.

While it may be all these things,
it is also a day to express love.
Who doesn't want to know that they are loved and remembered?
It doesn't cost anything to say "I love you!"
It doesn't cost much to jot a note of appreciation.
We celebrate big in our home.
We decorate the house.
We send out Valentines to little people who are mostly taller than me now.
We don't always have big gifts or fancy dinners - 
but we honor the day and the love that God has shown us that we can in turn show to others.

Last week, hubby bought me a plant and a traditional helium balloon.

Yesterday, he invited me to lunch at the place of my choosing.

Today he took me to my new favorite restaurant in Bowling Green.
He took me a few weeks back for a Saturday breakfast.
The place is called "Cafe Kindness."
All of the smoothies are named after the fruit of the spirit.
We enjoyed healthy smoothies only sweetened by dates and/or bananas.
Today we enjoyed chicken salad toasts and "it's Greek to me" toasts.

And then we shared a Smoothie!

So while there may be some downfalls to the day.
The day may have a sordid history.
I think there is something sweet to sharing a special day now and again
and letting others know that you care for them.

Monday, January 15, 2024

Winter Memory Verse

 Once each month,
I get to help in the bus kids' class during the morning worship service.
Typically, I teach the memory verse.
This week was no exception.

Since we were expecting some kind of winter weather,
I decided to build the verse review around snow, specifically snowman building.

Here is the verse:

I love my pocket chart.  It is great for memory work!

We recited the verse and then removed words of the verse.
This is nothing new.
But ... on the back of each piece is the name of a "part" of a snowman.
The boys and girls competed to build their snowmen.
They could earn an eye, a stick arm, a hat ...

If the boys were working harder,
they got to remove a word and get a snowman piece.
If the girls were more attentive,
they got to remove a word and get a snowman piece.
I could even let both teams go on the same turn - if they were working hard enough.

The idea worked great with full participation and good spirits.
The girls won, but not by too much.

Winter Snow

 In our last move,
one of the deciding factors in a move
was to avoid snow country.
After years of Arctic life (hubby) and NY life (me),
we were content to avoid months of snow.

This morning, I shoveled for the first time in years,
not because we haven't had snow, but because I either didn't have a shovel, or I had a gravel driveway :)
You can see that our wild winter snow gave me quite the workout - a whopping 2 inches.
I will enjoy looking at the snow for a few days,
but I am glad that our "big storms" can be shoveled away in 30 minutes or less.

Saturday, January 13, 2024


 This past week was like a "flashback" for me.
About this time last year, I joined hubby in Orlando, FL while he had training.
When his plans were being made this year,
there were some events in my future that had not found a place on the calendar yet so I stayed home.

So for 4 1/2 days, I was reminded of my days as a military wife.
The days were long and quiet.
I did get a lot of cleaning, sorting, and "pitching" done.
I could be thankful for more communication than the "good ol' days."
I am so glad for cell phones!

And to greet hubby on his return this afternoon - 
a batch of cookies.
The blogger who gave me the recipe labels these the "Healthiest Cookies Ever!"

The ingredients were simple :
walnuts, dates, flax seed, water, vanilla, salt, baking soda, apple cider vinegar, and chocolate chips
Healthy fats, unprocessed sweeteners, fiber ... Wow!

I halved the chocolate chips (using only a 1/4 cup) as well as grinding them a bit in the food processor.
And I used "cocoa nibs" for missing half of the chocolate chips.

Hubby ate 4 as soon as he walked in the door.
Score one for wifey!

Now it is time to serve up the "Eat the Rainbow" Soup for dinner.
If you haven't tried it yet,
this might be a great week with the plunging temperatures!

When You Can't Let Go of the Christmas Lights ...

 I spent the past week spring cleaning and putting away Christmas decorations.
There was only one small problem ...
it was such a dark, grey week and the Christmas lights sure brighten the house.
We have not purchased a Christmas tree here in KY,
but we do hang a lit garland and put ornaments on it.

I took the Christmas ornaments off of the garland
but left the hearts (for Valentine's Day) and the pine cones (for winter).
It still needed just a little something ...
How about some red ribbon?
How about some heart "berries"?

There - now I can have Christmas lights through February!

I did put the rest of the Christmas decorations away -
and if we do get a winter storm early next week,
my lights will continue to be "cozy."

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

When You Long For Spring ...


The weather has been cold ...
and wet ...
and somewhat miserable  ...

... so I decided to spring clean early.

In the process,
I realized that the timing was perfect.

The Christmas decorations come down and make a mess.
There is less laundry because the clothes can be worn for more than one day so the washer can run with linens, pillows, and curtains.
My days will be free when spring actually arrives, the days warm up, and I want to be outside with the flowers, trees, and grass.
It feels good to clean after a little "bout" with some bug or another.

And who doesn't like the smell of "clean" when the house is all closed up.

So that's what I have been doing -
Just the kitchen and garage left!
Maybe it is not spring,
but I can pretend.