
Thursday, November 23, 2023

It's OK to Change it Up

 Thanksgiving 2023

This year, we did not start our Thanksgiving Day with our own personal Turkey Trot.It is a little tradition that we enjoy that prepares us for what is normally a more sedentary day.

But this year, we changed it up.
We are in a different season of life anyway,
so we removed some of the busyness of the holiday by simplifying the day.

On Wednesday,
I made a turkey.

Yes, just a turkey - no gravy, no stuffing, no mashed potatoes, not even a pie!

And today,
we trekked to the Cumberland Falls - 
also known as the "Niagara of the South."

We enjoyed turkey sandwiches outdoors with an apple and some chopped veggies.

Then we hit the trails to hike the day away.

As always, we expressed thanks to God for our family,
our health,
our friends who are like family,
and this year we were surrounded by God's beautiful creation
and were even more thankful for His power, design, and creativity.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Life is Short

I just got out my cards, stamps, stickers, ...
I do this weekly.
There is such joy in the action.
Who can I encourage this week?
Which card will arrive "just at the right time?"

But today, it is a little bittersweet.
I began sending weekly cards in early 2020.
It began when a friend in our church started cancer treatments.
I had no idea what to say, I didn't know her well at the time, 
so I sent her a card containing a verse each week.
Sometimes I commented on the verse, 
but often times it was just a verse.

She became a good friend as I helped her navigate a small part of what was going on.
We became friends as we cleaned her house, traveled to appointments, and navigated city streets.
We became friends as we enjoyed piano duets when she felt well.

Soon I added more people to my verse card list -
the sick, the shut-in, and those facing trials.
The list grows, and the list shrinks.
People get well,
and people reach the end of a trial.
For 3 and 1/2 years,
her card has been in the weekly stack.

This week has been a reminder that we are not promised a tomorrow.
I have one less card to write today.

My dear friend is whole,
is not in pain,
is not balancing appointments,
she is "home."

Just a reminder that life is short -
a reminder that God left us in His Word.

James 4:14
“Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.”

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Off Plan? Don't Make Assumptions!

 One thing that I am trying to work on is not making assumptions.
While it may be fun while people watching ...😊
(see, there is Matilda, she is a grandma from Texas entering Walmart to buy fruit snacks for her 80 grandchildren
or there is Annabelle, she is a teen entering Walmart to buy press-on nails and a cola),
it is not fair or helpful when critiquing others or assuming I know their motives.

I can easily assume the worst in others instead of giving the benefit of the doubt
or asking for clarification in a kind way.

Go not forth hastily to strive, 
lest thou know not what to do in the end thereof, 
when thy neighbour hath put thee to shame.
Proverbs 25:8

A silly example happened this week as I made my meal plan.

Friday - fast food night at home (nuggets and french fries with a green drink)
Saturday - Spaghetti
Sunday - Corn Chowder

Hubby stopped at Tuesday and said, 
"So we are going off plan?"

Why would he say that?

Ground beef
condensed soup
green beans 
and tater tots
would not typically be a weeknight meal.
Usually, we save these "comfort" foods for a Friday night.

But he assumed I was making the familiar,
when in fact,

red lentils
green beans
red pepper
and yes, the more processed tater tots on top

It was not far off plan.
Some of the rainbow - green beans and peas, yellow corn, red pepper, white mushroom and onion
lots of fiber and protein with the red lentils
and still gluten and dairy-free!

His assumptions did not hurt anyone.
In fact, he was just supporting me to help me make good decisions for our meals,
but my assumptions about others can be hurtful.
And not only can they be hurtful to others,
but they can bring shame and embarrassment to me!

Monday, November 6, 2023

Fill 'er up

 I challenged myself with the rainbow challenge.
It has caused me to drink more spinach!
It has caused me to grab a handful of crudites with any lunch
(a radish, a cherry tomato, a mini cucumber, a mini pepper, some baby carrots).
With just a few mini veggies - I can get most of my rainbow.
I started the challenge with a balance that leaned toward more fruit,
and ended up getting more and more veggies!

So how about some habit stacking?
Hopefully, you have been practicing the rainbow of fruits and vegetables
and it is becoming second nature.

Fruits and vegetables are a powerhouse of fiber.
The skin and seeds in the "rainbow" are great for the body!
How about looking for even more fiber?

Fiber boosts metabolism,
fiber lowers cholesterol and blood sugar,
fiber keeps things "moving",
fiber feeds healthy bacteria in the digestive tract boosting immunity and aiding digestion,
fiber keeps you full for longer (less snacking).

So start looking at your meals.
Are they empty?
What can you add to your fruits and vegetables?
How about some oatmeal or granola for breakfast?
Whole wheat bread or even sprouted grains for a sandwich?
Corn tortilla chips instead of potato chips? 
(neither is stellar, but the tortilla chips have more fiber)
Brown rice instead of white rice?
A meal with beans at the core instead of meat?
Whole grain pasta and noodles instead of white pasta?
Could you throw brown rice or barley in a soup you are already making?
How about trying a new grain like quinoa or buckwheat?
What about sprinkling some ground flax on your yogurt or blending in your smoothie?
Try nuts on your yogurt or with your cereal or granola.