
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thankful for a Great Creator

Psalm 139:14
I will praise thee;
for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
marvellous are thy works;
and that my soul knoweth right well.

I am thankful to be created by an Almighty God who does all things well.  Have you ever researched some medical symptom online or a disease that an acquaintance has?  Have you ever studied the results of a blood test?  If you have then you realize the complexity of the human body.  The greatest chemist ever designed vitamins, minerals, hormones, cells, blood to all work together in perfect harmony - if they are balanced.  The smallest imbalance can create a medical problem.  This same great chemist, is a great architect - those knees that hold me up each day are carrying A LOT of weight.  Each pound of body weight is 4 pounds of pressure on my knee.  My average sized body puts almost 600 pounds of pressure on my knees and even more when I am walking or jogging!  That is some great design.  He is also a computer engineer - my mind holds facts, figures, data that amaze me (and it is not even working to capacity) and the information that our senses provide and that is processed is AMAZING! 
I am thankful for the design and efficiency of my body -
I serve a great creator.

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