
Thursday, May 29, 2014


After some unsuccessful changes to my diet and exercise regiment,
I am back to some tried and true plans.

In order to see change,
I must have some resistance.
I must use weight (body weight or hand weights).
I must challenge my body.

I am back to the Couch to 5K running plan.
I like the disciplined approach
and the systematic training.
I am upping the handweights at home - 
striving to use 10 # and 15# more than my 5# and 8#.

I do not always like the "growing pains."
But with the pains comes progress.

It is hard to be thankful for resistance and trying.
I mentioned Tuesday that May had been a month of resistance.
I am not sure if I properly used all of my muscles,
or what results I will see on the other side,
but I am thankful for the opportunity to change.


  1. May has been my get back on the healthy bandwagon. 10 burpees almost every morning, a few exercises from a cardio routine I used to do, and looking for more physical activity (mowing the lawn with the kids instead of letting them do it all, riding my bike, cutting & splitting firewood and such). And tracking calories on MFP. Down to 200 pounds in May and going to try to keep it going at 5 pounds a month for the next 4 months and see how I can do.

    1. Congratulations - I think I have between 5-10 to lose, it is hard to judge sometimes.
