On this Thankful Thursday,
I am so thankful for clean water.
What? you say.
We live in America - clean drinking water is not a problem.
You may be right.
Our water in town here is too clean -
as in full of bleach that you can taste!
Really - it is like drinking pool water.
While we endured for awhile
making it more palatable by chilling it,
we finally gave in and got a water purification system.
What a difference.
Chlorine is gone ...
And I suppose a lot of other things too.
It makes it much easier to get in my 80 ounces of water per day.
I am so thankful for our water filter and the clean water we have to drink.
Sounds, er, tastes like our water at Carriage Hill Homeschool! Yum? We have a tap filter that helps here.