
Thursday, August 8, 2024

Manna Doesn't Come in Bulk

 I have been listening to an audiobook and was fascinated by this idea.

Manna doesn't come in bulk!

I like to know what is coming.
I like to be in charge.
I like to know that the future is secure.
I want to know that things will be done decently and in order.
I like to MAKE things happen.

But, God doesn't always work that way.
His mercies are new every morning.
He provides "daily bread."
I should be content with that.

So on this "Thankful Thursday,"
I am thankful for the blessings of today.
I woke beside a man who works hard each day.
I ate a good breakfast that strengthens me.
I woke in the protection of a cool house.
My legs carried me on my morning walk.

I may not see the month's worth of blessings,
because manna doesn't come in bulk!

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