
Thursday, May 30, 2024

O Where O Where Has the Little Month Gone?

 Ah!  May has disappeared.
May typically blows by in a blur.
It is usually a roller coaster of activities and emotions
and this month was no different.

May is a month that reminds me that the plan God has for me is different than that of most others.
This reminder usually comes with tears as well as a renewed trust that God is in control.
Verses of God's goodness and His trait of only doing good become more and more dear.

May also comes with a birthday.
Hubby celebrated me with two party weekends.
We shopped for flowers for the yard and the planters.

We visited a favorite local eatery and tried a new-to-us gluten-free bakery.
Of course, we enjoyed long walks to celebrate another year of life.

We have enjoyed the local WKU campus for walks
and recently enjoyed a new greenway in Clarksville, TN.

We enjoyed our first "non-family" overnight guests this month making room for 7 extras!
We may not be related by blood, but a bond in Christ can be as strong or stronger than family bonds.

We have also seen God's protection through 2 or 3 large storms complete with a tornado in at least some part in B.G.

So I have been absent online, but am still here.
I am thankful for a God who is my strength.
I am thankful for a God who protects.
I am thankful for a God who has given another year of life.

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