
Friday, May 31, 2024

Every Job is Different

 This past month, I enjoyed a refreshing perspective and reminder.
It is easy as a homemaker to lose focus.

The article I read this was based on a question posed to the writer:
Should a wife work outside of the home?
I have struggled with this when people ask what I do.
Sometimes I feel judged as lazy or undisciplined.
I have wondered if I should do more to "help" the family?

The author's answer was based on the title "helpmeet."
Should or can a "helpmeet" work outside of the home?
Her answer was simple ... and for me, encouraging!
Am I the best help for my husband if I am working out of the home?

Some wives can be the best helpmeet and have an external job.
Every time I consider an extra job, I find myself saying, 
"If I do this, hubby might have to get his own lunch."
"If I do this, hubby might have to help with ___."
Not every wife needs to research recipes for certain health needs.
Not every wife needs to exercise each day.
Not every wife needs to keep their home quite so quiet and tidy.

Every husband is different.
Therefore every couple has to answer the question for themselves.

My hubby is very independent and capable.
He is super tidy.
He can clean better than I can.
He is able to cook and follow recipes.
He could easily do many of the jobs I do,
but I can help him by doing them so that he has time to study,
to minister to others,
and even to spend more time with me.
I can do things that help him with his health and wellness goals.

So I was encouraged.
Every job is different.
Every home is different.
Every helpmeet has different work to do.
It is OK if I work at home!

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