
Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Time Away

 There is nothing like time away.
Time away from the regular work of the day
(for me that means no cooking!)
Time away from the work phone ringing.
Time to enjoy something new.

Almost 2 weeks ago,
hubby and I set out on a trip north for a family wedding.
This one was in Wisconsin,
so we decided to detour on the way into Chicago.
Since hubby had been in bootcamp in that area,
he wanted to return to the Aquarium located up there.

The setting was lovely.
The weather was lovely.
Of course, the aquarium was full of marvels of creation.

We tried something new and packed a very small lunch because we did not know how long the aquarium would take.
We each carried a tuna/quinoa salad, some apple sauce, crackers, some nuts, and 2 water bottles.
It was simple, but healthy and less expensive than the aquarium offered.

We had the morning free on the morning of the wedding.
Our airbnb wasn't as fabulous as the "wedding chapel" from last August in NY,
but it was right on a walking trail,
so we walked about 6 miles - a welcome stretch after sitting in the car.

We also found a fresh, healthy restaurant in our "back yard" and walked to lunch.

Fall is almost upon us and we are looking forward to some more "explores" as the weather cools and the leaves change.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Something "Out of the BLUE"

I often blog about changing ministries.
I often remind myself and others that sometimes ministries need to change.
Sometimes ministries involve creativity.
I am not currently teaching,
I don't have an abundance of music responsibilities,
but since our time in NC, I have had a heart for college students.

 Within the next few day,
I hope that there are some very happy college students.
I organized a collection to send out boxes to 11 students and one airman.
The only stipulation was that the items had to be blue - or at least wrapped in blue.

The church came through and we filled 12 of the USPS large boxes.
The boxes were light enough that it was cheaper for me to wrap the boxes 
rather than paying the "one rate" price.

Here are 6 of the 12 boxes.
The other 6 had already been delivered to the post office.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

'Tis the Season

 The weather may not be cool yet,
but when the calendar hits September,
I am ready for fall decorations.

So this past weekend in the heat and humidity,
hubby and I worked on some autumn decorations.

The neighborhood is hosting a decorating contest.
We will in no way win,
but I wanted to contribute something clean and wholesome to the darkness all around us.

We decided on trying a blend in the large pots.
mums, asters, kale, ornamental peppers, and the "tall thing"

and the browning lemon grass, pumpkins, mums, celosia, and cockscomb

A festive garland with lights above the door

and inside - the same garland with lights
When the days get shorter, we like the twinkly lights inside
From September to March we will have some sort of garland and lights around the living room window.

Saturday, August 17, 2024


Another anniversary to celebrate.
A few years ago, I read a book that talked about how your home decorations should be more than pretty.
They should inspire discussion.
They should say something about you.
And I thought of how I might do that in our home.

This year hubby got me a decoration that fit the bill.
It tells our anniversary.
It uses Scripture.
It shows the places we have lived - independently and as a couple.
You can't see, but there are three colors - Hubby (silver), Me (rose gold), and Couple (gold)

When I look at the scattered pins,
it reminds me of all the miracles that had to occur to bring us together
and all the miracles and provisions that have occured as we added more pins together.

Happy Anniversary to my dear hubby!
And may our prayer always be ...
"...cause me to know the way wherein I should walk."


Thursday, August 8, 2024

Manna Doesn't Come in Bulk

 I have been listening to an audiobook and was fascinated by this idea.

Manna doesn't come in bulk!

I like to know what is coming.
I like to be in charge.
I like to know that the future is secure.
I want to know that things will be done decently and in order.
I like to MAKE things happen.

But, God doesn't always work that way.
His mercies are new every morning.
He provides "daily bread."
I should be content with that.

So on this "Thankful Thursday,"
I am thankful for the blessings of today.
I woke beside a man who works hard each day.
I ate a good breakfast that strengthens me.
I woke in the protection of a cool house.
My legs carried me on my morning walk.

I may not see the month's worth of blessings,
because manna doesn't come in bulk!

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Room for More

The HOA gave me a good excuse for more plants!
Recently, the HOA decided to crack down on exposed trash cans.
The bilaws say that trash cans must be inside, out back, or hidden from the road.
We often keep our trash can in the garage,
sometimes the heat of the summer can make the trash a little intolerable.

So hubby built me a planter / screen.
The center plant is supposed to be evergreen (or yellow) - so hopefully will still look beautiful all winter.
The side plants are red day lilies.

Since hubby built it,
I could stain it to match the garage header.

And hubby made it strong enough (and heavy enough) 
to survive any B.G. storm.

I am enjoying an overcast day with not such a crazy heat index.
It was the perfect morning for yardwork.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

When the Temperature Climbs


By the end of the day, it is easy to be grumpy when the temperature climbs.
The day starts early so that the outside work and any baking can be done by 8 or 9.
Running and/or walking, strength workouts, yardwork can all be unsafe in the high heat of the day.

My quiet time this week has reminded me to focus on God's nature.
The Psalms are full of reminding me of His mercy, His care, His protection, His strength.
I am thankful that He is faithful regardless of the temperature.
I am thankful that when the heat "zaps" me, His strength is unchanged.
I am thankful for His provision of a cool home (even 78 feels cold after being outside).
I am thankful that hubby is no longer in a hot mechanic shop when temps are high.
I am thankful for His provision of water and cool meals.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Make it Fun

Laundry is one of those jobs that seems to never end.
Even with just two family members,
the laundry builds up quickly.
With the high temps,
it seems even more so because every workout, walk or run deems an outfit worthy of a wash
and even the good clothes can't make it beyond a day.

I use wool balls in the dryer.
They are supposed to help things dry faster.
They can add scent if you put a few drops of essential oil.
They keep the laundry from clumping up so that it dries more quickly.

My last dryer balls were falling apart,
no longer removed static,
and were just begging to be replaced.

So I added some fun to my chores.
Now these little penguins greet me when I finish a load of wash.

Doesn't that make you smile too?


Thursday, June 13, 2024

Enter Thy Closet

Today I am thankful for quiet times
and the creation all around me.

 Some folks have to have a literal closet to have Bible Study and Prayer.
My house is usually so quiet, that I have my choice of locations.

Both today and Tuesday morning,
I chose to have my time with the Lord on the back patio.
On Tuesday morning, it was COLD as I watched the sun come up during my time.

Today it was warm with a cooling breeze as I enjoyed the shade in the afternoon.

I love being outside - 
to hear the rustle of the plants,
to hear the birds,
to watch the insects,
and repeatedly I have read this week - 
I am the LORD, there is none other
I am the LORD, there is none else
Who else is there?
Great and Marvelous is our Lord.

Who else could create such a beautiful creation?
Who else could create the beautiful sunrise?

Monday, June 10, 2024

Menu Monday ... And Another 30!

 Yes, I did complete another 30-minute "run" this morning,
but 30 refers to 30 different plants each week.
I have been reading a few different health books recently 
(Whole Body Reset and Forever Strong)
and they both are stressing a little more protein and 30 different plants a week.
Maybe that seems crazy - but the protein is needed to prevent muscle loss as one ages
and the plants help to keep the gut healthy.

So we have been trying to keep a variety of plants in the diet.
Quinoa, rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes
red pepper, yellow pepper, green pepper (yes, each pepper has different health benefits)
blueberries, strawberries, blackberries,
broccoli, radish, cucumber,
apples, peaches, bananas, grapes, cherries
chickpeas, lentils, black beans, navy beans
cucumber, tomato, carrot, celery
avocado, artichoke hearts, 
spinach, spring mix, sprouts ...
There's 31 without too much effort.

Challenge yourself this week - 
even coffee counts and herbs too!

Our lunch on Saturday knocked quite a few off the list.
We tried a "new to us" restaurant in the middle of our Saturday walk.
We also enjoyed their beautiful patio.

My bowl had quinoa, carrot, sweet potato, zucchini, summer squash, avocado, broccoli, cauliflower, greens and lemon tahini dressing.
That's at least 11 in one bowl!

This week's menu:

Fast Food Friday:  BLT's and Strawberry Milkshakes

Saturday AM: Smoothies and Seven Sundays Sunflower Cocoa Cereal
Saturday Lunch:  New Restaurant Burger & Bowl
Saturday Dinner:  Red Lentil Pasta, Sauce and Italian Sausage

Sunday AM:  Smoothies
Sunday Lunch:  Leftover Pasta
Sunday Dinner:  Eggs, turkey sausage and toast

Monday AM:  Smoothies
Monday lunch:  Quinoa Deli Salad
Monday Dinner:  Grilled Chicken and Broccoli Salad

Tuesday AM:  Smoothies
Tuesday Lunch:  Chef Salad with leftover grilled chicken
Tuesday Dinner:  Salmon, rice, Asparagus

Wednesday AM:  Smoothies
Wednesday Lunch:  Salad with chicken tenders and eggs
Wednesday Dinner:  Eggs, Turkey Sausage, Toast

Thursday AM:  Smoothies
    Thursday Dinner:  Beans and Rice

Friday AM:  Smoothies
Friday Lunch:  Perfect Burger or Sardines