
Thursday, March 15, 2018

Welcome Home

On this Thankful Thursday,
I am thankful for a little company around the house.
We welcomed a new betta tonight.
It has been many a year since we had a fish.
The last one could not travel home with me on the plane from VA
due to changes in TSA rules while I spent some time with hubby in Virginia Beach.

We are trying some real plants this time.
This is our biggest tank yet.
We still have to make a lid and decide if we want lighting,
But we are thrilled to watch the little guy swimming up a storm.

Do you have a name suggestion?
Leave it in the comments.
I'll let you know what we pick.


  1. Joseph says- 'Olivia', Jonny says- 'Blue', Abbys says- 'Angel', Larissa says- 'Stormy' or 'Stormy Sea'.

  2. Wow! that was fast. Does anyone want to change their choice if they know it is a boy:)

  3. Joseph changed his to 'Oliver', Abby changed hers to 'Matthew'. :)
    A couple other suggestions... Miah says 'Christopher', Bean says 'Bubble gum', Robbie says 'Ben'.
    Some people want to know.... How do you know that it is a boy?

  4. They sell Bettas as male or female. If you get a male they have to be alone because they are very agressive.

    1. Oh, okay. It is kinda funny to think of an animal that small being 'very aggressive'. :)

  5. Azure has been mentioned here. True could be used (from the phrase "true blue"). Jonah may not be complimentary, but a good name for talking to guests.
