
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A Help Rather Than a Hindrance

It is not a stretch to say that electronic devices can be 
... a distraction,
... a hindrance,
...a downfall,
... a source of JUNK!

But sometimes, they can be a help.

Since our move,
I have found 2 great sources of encouragement.

One is podcasts ...
especially those for homemakers.
I like to listen to podcasts while I clean, while I walk to town, while I prepare dinner, even while doing errands.
No ads, no foul music (at least none that I have come across yet), just encouragement to press on.

It is not always easy to find those with similar goals and desires.
The encouragement from someone else doing what I do is a blessing.
I have been encouraged to work harder,
to use my time better,
to reach farther in my ministry,
to get back to Bible memory.

And speaking of Bible memory.

One podcast even recommended an app that is helping me to stay more focused on my memory work.
I almost skipped the podcast because the topic was on teaching your children to memorize Scripture ...
but I did listen and was convicted of my own need.

I do not support all that these women believe or say,
but they have encouraged my service in the home.

And the scripture program is an app,
but they also have physical books.
And there are even rewards for memorizing!

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