
Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Crockpot Adventures

A Tuesday transformation tip.
A beautifully scented home!

About 3 weeks before Christmas,
I began using my crockpot to make a simmering potpourri.
I guess I saw it somewhere online and thought it would work for me.
No dangerous candles,
no stovetop burner on,
no expensive essential oil.

The first pot I made just had "cutie" peels, cloves, and cinnamon sticks.
Then I made one with lemon slices, eucalyptus, and vanilla.
Christmas was orange, cranberry, and rosemary.
This was the prettiest one!

We really enjoyed one last week with coffee beans, cinnamon sticks, and vanilla.
It smelled like a bakery/coffee shop.
I highly recommend this if you are showing a home to sell - truly a "homey" smell.

This week I have lemon slices and ginger slices.

I am looking forward to spring when I can use my lavender plant for lemon lavender.
I also have a lemon balm plant that might work well with a citrus mix.

I use for about a week (though by days 6 and 7 it is not near so fragrant).
I do have to add water each day, but it does not need tending too much.

1 comment:

  1. It is beautiful! I wondered what you were cooking up for dinner! Just a nice smell--no calories/fat or other bad stuff! -Sarah
