
Thursday, September 10, 2020

Looking for the Little Things

"He enjoys much who is thankful for little."
-Thomas Secker-

We should be thankful for the little things every day,
but some times those little things really become big things.

In Western Oregon, the weather is VERY moderate.
Air Conditioning, while nice, is not really a necessity like it is in some areas.
Because of the poor air quality the past few days, we have had to close the house up completely,
and we have become more thankful for the airconditioning in our little rental home.

It is just another "little" thing that God saw in advance 
and prepared for us and our comfort.

Today, I am thankful for our airconditioning.


  1. I am thankful for even the little posts that let me know how you are doing. I am thankful today for a bottle of cold water shared with me by a church member when I was hot. I am also thankful for air conditioning

    1. Your first sentiment is a common one and the reason I am trying to be more faithful in blogging.
