
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Make it Fun

Laundry is one of those jobs that seems to never end.
Even with just two family members,
the laundry builds up quickly.
With the high temps,
it seems even more so because every workout, walk or run deems an outfit worthy of a wash
and even the good clothes can't make it beyond a day.

I use wool balls in the dryer.
They are supposed to help things dry faster.
They can add scent if you put a few drops of essential oil.
They keep the laundry from clumping up so that it dries more quickly.

My last dryer balls were falling apart,
no longer removed static,
and were just begging to be replaced.

So I added some fun to my chores.
Now these little penguins greet me when I finish a load of wash.

Doesn't that make you smile too?


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