Well, our snow quickly disappeared as the temperatures soared to the upper 70's. Now it is time to work on the garden! This is the first year that we have had any land to work with and we are starting with our front "rock garden." We are using a method called square foot gardening. The area is sectioned off into "square feet" of course. Each square contains a different crop and is planted with something new when the first crop finishes. The great thing about this style of planting is that you don't need a lot of space (many sprawling plants are trained to grow upwards), you use minimal seeds (because you don't thin the plants), the crops are naturally rotated because have more than one crop in each place each year.
So it is time to experiment. We just planted peas, onions, beets, carrots, 5 different leafy greens, and radishes. Next time around will be pole beans, peppers, tomatoes, and herbs. The last season will be summer and winter squash, more carrots, beets, onions, parsnips, and lettuces. There is also a packet of pumpkin seeds here, but I have to find a different plot to plant these. I am also being urged to try watermelons!
There is nothing like watching the miracle of life in any form. Whether it be a new baby, or the plant that comes from such a tiny seed and produces food for us.
John 1:3 All things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made.