
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Giving Of Ourselves

Romans 16:6
Greet Mary, who bestowed much labour on us.

I just began a new "wifey book."  I try to get at least one each time I order hubby's books for the coming semester.  I chose Building Her House by Nancy Wilson.  I would love to sit down and devour it, but I must keep up with other responsibilities.  I did read a chapter entitled "Loving Labor."  During this season of giving, it was a great reminder.  Sometimes we, especially as women, are busy serving and doing for others but we miss the heart of the action.  We might serve out of necessity; We might serve grudgingly.  Our service in the home, church, and community should be an act of love that points to our great God and Savior  I know that I needed this attitude adjustment.  I need to wholeheartedly bestow my service.

Are you tired and weary today?  Think of your service as a gift.  Will it be given in a trash bag?  Will it be a half-hearted gift?  or will it be a beautiful gift tied off with a beautiful bow?  Will the response of the recipient be all the thanks that is needed?  

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