
Thursday, October 29, 2009


I am back and it is Thankful Thursday.  After a brief visit from dad and mom, I have a renewed thanksgiving for family.  What a great design, that we are placed into families with the inner desire to care for one another.  This world has become so sin-cursed that many have suppressed that love or fail to feel it any more causing division in families and homes.  We have no guarantee of how long we will have any particular family member here on earth - let's appreciate the time God gives us!

Our visit included a night to chat, a trip to chapel, a trip to Lowes to get some lumber that just won't fit in a Focus, the introduction to boiled peanuts and Peach Cider, and a trip to King's Mountain National Military Park for a picnic, some history, and a hike.

Thanks dad and mom for 34 years of provision and guidance which continue to this day.  Thanks for driving some 27 hours to visit for about 48 hours this week.  I hope that it didn't take too much out of you.  Thanks for finding us some bargains and sharing of your abundance.  Thanks for sharing your van so that we could do some hauling while you were down.  Thanks for coming to chapel and sharing in our day to day life.

I am also blessed to have a husband who desires to take the leadership role in our home and who understands and ever improves the way to love and encourage his wife (that's me!)  It is nice this week to be on Fall Break and to have some extra time together.

God is good. 
May I ever see that and desire to follow His plan for families.

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