
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Know Your Man

It has been a fun week.  Hubby is finishing up finals - 3 today and 1 tomorrow.  He has extra time this week, so we have gone shopping together, had some special treats, exercised together, wrapped packages, raked leaves, and in general just enjoyed the extra time together.  The housework has been a little bit on the back burner as we spend time together.  He will be at the farm full time next week, so there will be plenty of time to attack the dust!

The chapters in Created to Be His Helpmeet were again on wisdom.  Chapter 8 was on knowing your man.  The author breaks things down into 3 types of men - each man having characteristics of all 3 types - but often more of one then another.  The first is "Mr Command Man" - he likes to lead, to be in charge, and to be served.  He delegates and does not participate well in small talk.  The wife of Mr. Command Man is busy all the time.  She knows what he wants, how he wants it and can anticipate his needs and desires.  She must act in such a way as to bring respect and honor to her husband.  She may be "pitied" by society because of her activity in the home, but when she cares for her husband, she becomes his queen and is loved, adored, and respected by him.  The second is "Mr. Visionary" - he likes to plan new ways of doing things, he wants a "perfect" world where everyone is following the "rules,"  He engages in confrontation and debate over side issues.  His wife must be positive and supportive while also sharing common sense and truth.  She must be flexible and "enjoy the ride" - her life will be anything but boring.  She must be content to make his dreams, her dreams and be at peace with the results.  The last type is "Mr. Steady" - the servant, the slow,rational thinker, he is balanced and stable, he wants to please.  The wife of Mr. Steady needs to be thankful and appreciate her husbands calm ways and deliberate thinking.  She must learn to share her man as he serves the needs of others.  She must not push her husband to become something that he is not.

Both hubby and I enjoyed this chapter.  We could both see a type that he fit into best, but also felt that he had some of all the characters.  The key is, that I am created to help and serve my husband and that may be different than the way another woman serves her husband.  Hubby is primarily a "Mr. Command Man" and it took awhile to adjust to that role when I was used to a home with a primarily "Mr. Steady."  They are different and that is the beauty of life.  There are times when hubby is "visionary" and I need to support or bring the word of common sense or put out fires.  There are times when he is "steady" and I need to be grateful for his service to me.  The author says "Wisdom is knowing what you 'bought' when you married that man, and learning to adapt to him as he is, not as you want him to be."  It is the wife who changes and show flexibility - not in her personality, but in the way that she helps and supports.

Philippians 2:5
Let this mind be in you,
which was also in Christ Jesus.

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