Well, If any of my faithful readers are still sticking with me after 3 weeks ... I am back.
The break from the blog was supposed to be short - just a small break to enjoy fall break with my dear hubby. We did have a marvellous break. We spent one day hiking - not just a flat trail, but up and down and rocks and peaks - about 13.5 miles we estimated. It was beautiful. A quiet day with each other. One day, we finally broke down and tried a milkshake at the local Cookout. I wish we had waited until we were in the moving truck on our way out of town. I ordered a blueberry cheesecake milkshake and it was just about the best thing I have ever eaten. Of course, with every swallow, I could also envision my sadness on the scale the next morning. Fortunately our hike was 2 days later and it is now gone!
Following fall break, I got a nasty cold/flu which held me in its grip much longer than I cared to be there. Just finishing my daily work wore me out, and so I could not visit with you.
Last week, my folks visited from NY. It was a short visit, but we finally had beautiful weather for their visit (it has rained the past two times and often did in the Seattle area when they would visit as well). Chris was caught up on his work, so we were all able to visit together which was nice.
The rest of last week was spent catching up from sickness and guests ... but, now I am back.
Now we are in the holiday season and it is hard to believe that Thanksgiving is next week. I think we are planning a quiet day at home ... possibly a trip back to the Biltmore to see it all dressed up for the holidays.
Last night the children at church sang a song entitled "In Everything Give Thanks." EVERYTHING! It is easy to be thankful for a visit from family, it is easy to be thankful for a fall break with hubby, but can I be thankful for days in bed with the flu? Yes, even those days are for my benefit, that I might learn to more fully trust in my Creator because, well, it is then that I am forced to remember that I am not in charge and that I am not invincible. "All things were created by Him and FOR Him."
:) i'm glad to see you back.