
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Only a moment

For what is your life?
It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time,
and then vanisheth away.
James 4:14

I receive the paper each morning.
While I look at the whole paper, in our tiny paper the news is primarily obituaries and comics.
In the obituaries, I look for names I know, but I also look at ages.
There are usually one or two days a week where there is the death of a child or of someone my age.
There is that reminder that I am not guaranteed tomorrow.
Our neighborhood is in a state of shock to find that a young father of 6 is battling cancer.
If you have visited me and your children have played on the playground,
you have probably met him.

The reminder seems to serve 3 purposes.
One, it makes me thankful for today.
Two, it releases the pride from thinking that I am indispensable.
Three, it makes me more urgent to tell others about saving grace.

Will you pray for Mike and his family today?
He will be seen at Cancer Centers of America this weekend.

If you are uncertain of your life beyond death,
will you make certain today?
Leave me a message or visit here for the plan of salvation.

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