
Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Daily Shopping Trips

 While we live inside the city limits, 
it would be possible to shop daily for our groceries.
I can combine some exercise and shopping by walking and carrying my groceries home.
It can become cardio and strength and endurance training.
There is a gate from our complex that leads to the back loading dock of Wal-Mart.
A gate out another side lead to the mall.
Across the street from Wal-Mart is Meijer.
Across from the mall is the local Kroger.

One of the adventures of a move is discovering the local shopping.
It should all be familiar now, but Meijer is actually new to me.
In Oregon, Grocery Outlet and Fred Meyer (Kroger plus housewares and clothes) were new and Safeway was familiar from our time in Washington.

Today I visited Meijer.
I don't think it will become my go to store,
but it did have some nicer items in the hardware and housewares than I could find at Wal-Mart and may be helpful when settling in our new home.
Grocery prices were higher than Wal-Mart and had less coupons than Kroger.
It was similar to Fred Meyer in the west ... An upscale Wal-Mart!

Hubby and I commented that there were always sacrifices in a move.
We missed the seeing the Pacific coast from our apartmentnwhen we left Washington.
We missed our front and back porch and our church and college friends when we left NC.
We miss the walkability of OR because of the sidewalks.
I really have to plan my routes to shop because not all of the roads have sidewalks here.

Adjustments, adjustments.
Change is never easy
But with change comes growth and strength.

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