
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Balancing Strength

Proverbs 31:17
She girdeth her loins with strength,
and strengtheneth her arms.

This noble woman reminds me again to just do right.
I imagine that her regular activity was so intense that her arms and legs
were strengthened daily without walks, crunches, lunges, and bicep curls.
I, on the other hand, have so many modern conveniences and must make an
effort to stay strong through regular exercise.

Why exercise?  Why be strong?
When I am healthy, I am more useful to my family and the body of Christ.
When I am healthy, my medical bills are lower.
When I am strong, there is less work that I have to pass to hubby
after he has worked a long day in the shop.
When I am strong, I am a better helpmeet to hubby and his projects.

As an added thought:
The strong, virtuous woman must take care to continue to be a lady.
This lady is not seeking to "best" the men around her or to be involved in "hard" labor
 when there are plenty of men around.
This lady is not trying to prove herself or to belittle men.
She is merely prepared to work wherever she finds herself.

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