
Friday, November 29, 2013

Friday Forum: Accountability

 Proverbs 27:17 
Iron sharpeneth iron; 
so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

Two weeks ago, the forum on discipline brought comments about  the benefits of accountability.
Accountability is a great help in the struggle with discipline.

My greatest accountability partner is my hubby.
He asks about my Bible memory,
encourages me to get back on track,
asks me about the snacks I have eaten throughout the day,
encourages me to deal with problems rather than burying them.

As a child, I also had a Bible memory accountability partner.
Oh, how I wanted to run each Sunday when I saw the church member who would listen to my verses 
(or my pitiful excuses).
But it was good for me.

Unfortunately, I have found that those outside of my home
are often weaker partners.
Is it a fear of hurting someone's feelings?
Is it a fear of being held equally accountable?

What are your thoughts on accountability partners?
Do you have a partner or partners?
Do you fear them?
What are you held accountable for?


  1. I have meditated on this question longer than some. There is a lack of desire to seek true accountability where there is a lack of desire for true change. There is a lack of willingness to give true accountability where there is no true love of the brethren.
    My observation in many churches, is that we do not love as Christ loved, nor as a whole desire the discipleship of Christ that he describes in "forsaking all." The church does not see all sin in as dangerous.
    Therefore when accountability is sought outside the home... people do not see the danger in letting sin go. They do not want the conviction of providing another accountability that will show there own weaknesses. They do not do not want to be offensive, or "intrude" to far into another's life.
    Accountability is needed, and the church must lead with strong homes that can stand the tough questions there... so they can face them within the body of Christ. I was personally challenged by this question. Thanks!

    1. Those sound like the conversations that have echoed in our home. Glad to be a challenge - I usually challenge myself as well.
