A great big THANK YOU to all of our servicemen who are or have served our country that I might live in a free land.
Since this is woman's work Wednesday, I also send a big thanks to all of those wives who give of their lives for our country as well. There are many wives today not only doing their work in the home, but doing that of their husband who is serving far from home or serving so many hours that he can't keep up on things at home. These woman are doing this work for 6-18 months without a break, without the kiss that would recharge their wilting spirit, without the hug that wipes clear all the troubles of the day. They are waiting for that e-mail, letter, or call not knowing when it will come. They are learning to fix a car, some plumbing, a creaky step. They are facing family holidays knowing that their family will be incomplete. They are shedding tears in the shower, while they fall asleep, because they are expected to be strong in public and for their serviceman. They have their own service and sacrifice for our country and for that I thank them.
You are so right--and you would know--you've been there. It saddens me by how many people don't respect or even stop to consider the great sacrifice given by their fellowmen and women so that they can live in freedom. It also saddens me that I so often take our freedoms for granted and forget what others have done. Thank you for this reminder.