
Friday, November 20, 2009

I choose differently.

I Timothy 6:17
Charge them that are rich
in this world,
that they be not highminded,
nor trust in uncertain riches,
but in the living God,
who giveth us richly all things to enjoy.

The end of another busy week.  It is good to look back and see some yard work completed.  It was fun to visit with some neighbors this week.  It was good to have a mix of sunshine and rain.  It is nice to look forward to the Thanksgiving holiday next week.  God is good to give us so many things to enjoy.  I am waiting on some laundry to finish this morning and to get it on the line before I head out on my weekly (sometimes every other week) shopping trip.  Turkeys are 40 cents a pound at Walmart this week - Hubby picked up 2 on his way home yesterday and I have an assignment to get 2 more.  We love Turkey, and turkey sandwiches, and turkey pot pie, and turkey biscuit bake ...  yum.  Oh!  and I have the promise of another decorative pumpkin that will be in my freezer after Thanksgiving.  No violin lesson today, but I have learned another few keys to play in this week.

I have been thinking much about choices.  I mentioned the sermon on "I will" on Sunday - determining to do right.  It has caused me to think on something that my parents used to tell us.  They instructed us to never say "we can't afford that."  You see, the truth was, if we chose not to participate in an activity or chose not to purchase something, it was not that we couldn't afford it, but rather that we chose to spend our money differently.  The principle applies to both time and money.  We have choices - some choices are difficult and some are easy.  I choose to make laundry soap, because I want the funds to stop for an ice cream treat once each week (it may not be that frequent, but almost).  I choose to pack hubby's lunches because I want to have a pot roast on Sunday.  I choose to do all my shopping in one day, because I want to have gas to drive into the country for a hike with my sweetheart.  I choose to dry clothes outside, because I want to have a few degrees more heat in the trailer this winter.   When I consider this, it also helps me to avoid judging.  My choices may not be right for everyone, each person has different priorities.

Life is about choices and I pray that I am making wise decisions that will be a testimony to my Savior and a credit to my husband.  How will I spend my time today?  Will I take time to enjoy my family?  Will I take time to make a peaceful home?  Will I take time alone with my Lord?  or will frivolous activities steal from my day what really matters?  How about my shopping trip?  Will I choose healthy food or just expensive convenience?  Will I keep to the budget, or be swayed by a tempting display? 

It is my choice. 
     God has given me time and riches.
          I am his steward. 


  1. Yeah for the pumpkin! Nestle announced there may be shortages this year in the holiday season. Isn't it neat how 'economical' choices (cooking it down yourself) has led to no shortages in the Bickish household. :)

  2. i like this thought. i used to tell christina that. :) i wonder if she remembers, because i didn't mean to be teaching it as a principle.
