
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Good and Pleasant

Psalm 147:1
Praise ye the LORD:
for it is good to sing praises unto our God;
for it is pleasant;
and praise is comely.

Good, pleasant, and comely.  How often can you say that about an activity?  Sometimes it is something good to do, but is not pleasant (like exercise or cleaning).  Sometimes it is pleasant, but not good for me (like a triple scoop of ice cream).  Praising the Lord is an encouragement ...  it will never leave me regretful ... it will only improve my day.

I praise the Lord for some more beautiful days this week.  Hubby built my flower bed yesterday afternoon.  It looks GREAT!  I filled it full of bulbs and now I have only to eagerly wait for Spring to see all the beauty there.  I am anticipating the bright splash of color in the early spring with tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths.  The glads and irises from NY will give us some color through the summer as well.  As hubby worked, I praised the Lord for the strength, knowledge, and determination he has given my sweetheart.  He was moving some pretty large planters full of dirt without complaint and working diligently to make sure that the flower bed was level and properly constructed. 

Yesterday I wrote about determining to do right.  I determined to be virtuous (not only diligent but full of moral goodness) and the Lord provided an opportunity to prove me.  I struggled, but the Lord is faithful.  I am so thankful for being reminded that I have to make the choice each day, each hour, each minute to do right.

Today I have some more weeding to do.  I guess weed is much like determining to do right, it seems to be an endless process, for as soon as one part is finished another part screams for attention.  I finished about half of the garden and 3/4 of the walkway leading to the trailer yesterday.  The driveway needs weeding once more as well.  Hubby is going to trim trees today.  I think I like my outdoor work better than the indoor work :)

Have a pleasant day -
 fill it with praise for our wonderful Lord!

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